Anyone who has been using SSIS for a reasonable amount of time will probably be very familiar with SSIS event handlers. I have found this to be a very useful feature and it always one to avoid the spider web nightmare that can occur when you are trying to capture each task's error and end up having a failure constraint coming from each of them.
However when using events one has to be careful at which level you handle them. If you use the OnError event at the package level and the task level, and the task fails, you will notice that the event will fire twice due to the fact that events bubble up from each task to their container. This can easily be overcome by setting the task system variable propogate in the event handler to false. However whenever you are developing a complex task or have need to edit one, it is difficult without a lot of clicking to find out which tasks have event handler, which have progate set to false and which are being handled at the container or package level.
Once again, I thought this would be an ideal time to write a quick macro that would allow me to see the event handler information for more complex packages.
Here is what is displayed by the macro I use:
Below is a sample of the code I used to get this information:
Dim oSSISApp As New SSIS.Application, oPackage As SSIS.Package, oTaskHost As SSIS.TaskHost
Dim oExec As SSIS.Executable, oEventHandler As SSIS.DtsEventHandler, oContainer As Object, i As Integer, j As Integer
' Get package object
oPackage = oSSISApp.LoadPackage(DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName, Nothing)
frm.gbPackage.Text = oPackage.Name.ToString
' Loop through events in the package
For Each oEventHandler In oPackage.EventHandlers
frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Add(frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Count + 1)
i = frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Count - 1
' Loop through executables in package
For Each oExec In oPackage.Executables
' Check that the executable is a task
If oExec.GetType.Name = "TaskHost" Then
' Set the SSIS type
oTaskHost = CType(oExec, SSIS.TaskHost)
' If no events
If oTaskHost.EventHandlers.Count = 0 Then
frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Add(frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Count + 1)
i = frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Count - 1
End If
' Loop through event handlers
For Each oEventHandler In oTaskHost.EventHandlers
frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Add(frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Count + 1)
j = frm.lvwEventHandler.Items.Count - 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I hope some will find benefit from this, I definitely have.