Monday, February 12, 2007

SSMS: T-SQL Intellisense Addins (Feedback)

After trying SQLAssist for a short while now, I have decided to removed it from my machine. I found it nice to work with but a lot of the time it would hang SSMS for few seconds. This afternoon while writing a query I hit Ctrl-F and it froze SSMS. Very annoying when you are in the middle of some hardcore development.

SQL Prompt is now priced at $195 which to me seems a little excessive. Oh well will have to carry on using my work around. I will place it here soon when I have created an installation package for it. Don't panic, my slap together version will definitely be free.

1 comment:

jesternails said...

Have you finished this? I'd really like to try it as I don't want to shell out the 195 clams for SQL Prompt either. ;)